Free Competitor Traffic Reports to Your Email Inbox

Get competitor traffic data directly to your inbox - no sign up required. 

  1. 1
    Add your email and website
  2. 2
    Our AI will find your competitors
  3. 3
    Receive the reports to your email

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Spycrow Newsletter
Value-Driven Insights

Don't waste money on ineffective marketing tactics. Learn what works from your competitors.

Time Saving

No need to set up reports or log into a platform every month. The reports are being delivered directly to your inbox. 

Easy to Share

Share your reports by simply forwarding your emails or redirecting them to a Slack channel so everyone on your team can have access.


Just add your website and your competitors. Everything else will be delivered by Spycrow. It takes only 2 minutes. 

How to start

1. Add your email and website

Add your website and email so we know where to send your reports.

2. List your competitors

The next step would be to add your most significant competitors in your monitoring list. If you don't know your competitors, our AI will find them for you. 

3. Start generating insights

It's showtime! Our system will generate competitor insights and deliver them to your email inbox.

Use cases