[Guide] Spycrow Traffic Analysis Report

In this guide you will find how to best utilize the Spycrow Traffic Report. If you’re not subscribed for the free Spycrow competitor analysis reports, you can do it here

Understanding the Data

The report is divided into three main sections: Traffic Overview, Traffic Share, and Breakdown by Company. Each section offers a unique perspective on the competitive landscape:

Traffic Overview gives a snapshot of the percentage increase or decrease in web traffic for each company over the last month.

Traffic Share details the percentage of total market traffic each company captures, highlighting the “big players” and their market positioning.

Breakdown by Company provides a three-month traffic trend for each company, offering insights into seasonal effects, campaign impacts, and overall performance.

Step 1: Analyzing Traffic Overview

Understanding Traffic Growth

Traffic growth indicates a company’s ability to attract more visitors over time. A percentage increase suggests successful marketing efforts or product offerings, while a decrease could signal problems or areas for improvement.

Benchmarking Performance

Compare your traffic growth to that of your competitors. If they are growing faster, ask why. What are they doing that you’re not? Use industry averages if available, to set realistic growth targets.

Identifying Outliers

Look for competitors with significantly higher growth rates. Investigating the strategies or campaigns they’ve implemented can provide valuable insights for your own strategies.

Step 2: Understanding Traffic Share

Market Positioning

Traffic share reflects a company’s visibility and positioning in the market. A high traffic share indicates strong brand presence and customer reach.

Tracking Changes Over Time

Monitor how your traffic share changes over time to assess the effectiveness of your marketing strategies and to identify shifts in market dynamics.

Strategic Implications

Significant changes in traffic share could indicate a shift in consumer preferences or a new competitive threat. Adjust your strategies accordingly to maintain or improve your market position.

Step 3: Breakdown by Company

Trend Analysis

Examine the three-month traffic data for trends. Identifying patterns, such as seasonal fluctuations or spikes following marketing campaigns, can inform future strategies.

Comparative Performance

Compare your month-to-month performance against your competitors. Consider industry trends and seasonal impacts when evaluating these comparisons.

Actionable Insights

Use historical performance data to identify what works and what doesn’t. Focus on areas needing improvement and consider adopting strategies that have been successful for others.

Applying Insights to Your Business

Strategy Development

Use the insights gathered from the report to inform your strategic planning. Set achievable goals based on your analysis and the competitive landscape.

Innovation and Adaptation

Look to high-performing competitors for inspiration. Adapting their successful tactics to fit your business model can lead to innovation and growth.

Continuous Monitoring

Competitive landscapes evolve. Regular competitor analysis is vital to adapt your strategies in response to new information and market changes.


This guide has provided you with the tools to effectively use the Spycrow Traffic Analysis Report to understand your competitive landscape and leverage this knowledge for strategic planning. Remember, competitor analysis is an ongoing process that can significantly contribute to your business’s success.

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